Underwater Concrete Cutting
We provide a wide scope of underwater concrete cutting services. Our entire range of products and services are planned according to the recent market patterns. Its competitive costs and timely delivery adds to its credibility in the market.
To cater to the variegated demands of our valuable clients, we have concocted a quality guaranteed Underwater Cutting Service. The offered service is conveniently completed under the direction of our specialists utilizing ideal-grade machines and high-level strategies. These services are performed according to the specific requirement of our valuable clients within the scheduled period.
DCC’s group of expert engineers, project managers, and construction technicians take coordination and execution to a whole new level. After carefully outlining a course of action, our group rapidly works with the highest level of discipline and incredible skill to guarantee your project is done before its expected date.

5 Cores of 10” Diameter in depth of nearly 5 feet were made in PCC and Limestone Gravel under 20 feet deep water, to check scouring below concrete Bed (Scouring is a process in which sand/ earth is washed away by flowing water below the concrete structure, thus making the structure suspended/ brittle and allows sepage of water through cracks).
A professional diving company was hired and the skilled divers made the challenging task of working in Zero Visibility possible.The technology used is zero vibration and is aided with Diamond tipped core bits or saw blades. This ensures that the existing structure is not damaged, as compared to the traditional methods of hammering and percussion